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All manuscripts submitted to the Yaalmada: Jurnal Riset & Studi Islam must comply with the Focus and Scope and follow the Author's Guide. The journal is dedicated to research on innovation in digital marketing and halal industries. Any submission that offers new contributions to green economics scientific research is highly welcomed.
The manuscript must be formatted according to the writing pattern of scientific journals. The rules set out in the Manual of Publications of the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition must be followed. You can use the reference management software Mendeley or Zotero, and choose the settings for the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th Edition.
Manuscripts submitted to this journal may be written in English or Indonesian. English or Indonesian manuscripts are preferred to follow good standards of grammar rules. If the Indonesian manuscript is declared accepted, translation into English and proofreading correction will be required.
The author must confirm that the work has not been published or submitted to be published elsewhere. To verify authenticity, all scripts will be checked by plagiarism detection software. The authors are advised to use the online service of TurnitinTM or iThenticateTM to check for similarities. The journal editor will also check similarities using the same online service (with a threshold of 15% maximum similarity, according to TurnitinTM output).
All manuscripts submitted to the journal will be reviewed closely (double-blind peer review), which means the identity of the author is hidden from the reviewers, and vice versa. All manuscripts will first be evaluated by the Chief Editor on their suitability for the journal. Reports deemed suitable by the Editor are usually sent to at least two independent expert reviewers to assess the scientific quality of the paper. If necessary, a third reviewer is required for critical recommendations for the article. The editor is responsible for the final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of the article. The editor’s decision is the end.
Governing Body & Contact
Editorial Policies
Additional Information
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Copyright @ 2023 Yayasan Al Ma'arif Dawuhan l Rumah Jurnal Yayasan Al Maarif Dawuhan